Contact Us
Please use the ‘Contact Us’ form to make your initial contact with us. Provide an email address that will work and provide as much detail in your message as you can. We will respond to your message via email, so we further discuss your project with you.
Once we have enough information, we will prepare a contract that spells out the work that we will do for you with a price quote. Once you sign the contract and make your first payment, we will sign it and begin work.
Typically our contracts require a 50% payment before we begin work and a 50% payment when the work is completed. That gives us both an incentive to work together to get the job done promptly and correctly. We do not normally charge an hourly rate. This gives you a firm cost up front. You can still ask for changes, but an addendum to the contract with an additional payment may be necessary.
We ask for:
- your name, first name will do, so we can distinguish you from other users of the email address you provide.
- your email address, so that we can respond to the message you provide.
- a message, so we can properly respond to you.

Global Creations LLC
PO BOX 5065